RIPPL will help you:
  • Self-assess your foundational pediatric knowledge against provincial pediatric competencies
  • Identify and explore helpful curated educational resources specific to your tier of service, healthcare provider role and experience level to support your learning
  • Develop knowledge around fundamental commitments to Indigenous peoples, and uphold obligations to Indigenous peoples when supporting children, youth and families
  • Create an ongoing customized learning plan
About RIPPL:
  • Standardized and Personalized

    Pediatric care is frequently provided outside tertiary environments by health care providers who support many populations across the lifespan. This makes it difficult to develop and maintain foundational pediatric knowledge. 

    RIPPL addresses this gap by offering BC providers an opportunity to self-assess their pediatric competency level, access curated resources aligned with their role, practice area and tier of service, and establish a personalized learning plan to develop/maintain pediatric competencies.

    Girl in RIPPL/ripple and bubbles
  • A Trusted Source for Information

    RIPPL is built on the foundation of a validated provincial pediatric competency framework that is:

    • evidence based and informed by best and wise practices 
    • aligned with the pediatric tiers of service  
    • anchored in PHSA’s commitment to reconciliation
    Mother and daughter
  • Coast Salish Teachings

    In alignment with the Coast Salish Teachings gifted to PHSA by Knowledge Keeper Sulksun Shane Pointe, RIPPL has been developed with a cultural humility and trauma informed lens rooted in equity,  honesty and transparency. 

    Coast Salish Teachings
  • Tiers of Service

    RIPPL is anchored in the Tiers of Service framework, and has been developed with a specific focus on supporting Tiers 1-5. 

    The Tiers of Service framework represents a systematic and collaborative approach to service planning. This initiative establishes a unified understanding and a shared language for describing clinical services. Clinical service modules delineate tier-specific scope, workforce requirements, networked supports, and interdependent services. 

    Each clinical service has up to six service tiers in ascending order of complexity.

  • The RIPPL Image

    Chase Gray describes the meaning of the RIPPL image that he created in his own words:

    "In the centre of the circle, there is a sun, which represents warmth, nutrition, and growth. From the sun, the layers ripple out as a splash of water. Flowing water is where Musqueam people go to be close with ancestors, and ask for help in their healing and cleansing. Water is the source of all life, including those of the creatures who live in the waves, such as orcas. Orcas are an extremely familial species, that exist within a matriarchy, they are extremely complex animals, with the capacity to mourn and love as much as humans do. The hand within the orca symbolizes those similarities, and our co-existence. At the edge of the entire ripple pattern is a cedar bough, medicine that is used to heal, to brush out all of the negative thoughts and feelings and protect us from them."

    Chase Gray - Indigenous Artist

Access your learning dashboard, resources and self-assessments today
Frequently Asked Questions:

Will my educator or manager be able to track my performance on RIPPL?

No, your educator or manager does not have the ability to track your performance on RIPPL. RIPPL is for your personal development. If you choose to download your learning plan to shared with your educator or manager that is your choice.

Will I be able to create/save or export a personal learning plan from the RIPPL platform?

Yes absolutely. When you log in to RIPPL you have the ability to save your learning plan, progress and flag favorite resources. You are also able to download and print your learning plan.

Will I receive a pediatric specialty certification when I complete courses?

You will be able to track your progress and completion on RIPPL however, it is NOT a pediatric specialty certification program. RIPPL provides a way to develop and maintain foundational pediatric competencies.

Will I be able to access resources for different modules and tiers?

Yes absolutely. When you set up your account for RIPPL you will identify your role (physician, nursing or allied heath professional), and select the practice area that you work in along with the tier of service that best matches your area. This will help to identify a curated list of resources for you.

Is there a cost associated with using RIPPL or accessing any of the resources?

The is no cost to the user to access the RIPPL platform. Some 3rd party courses may have a cost associated with them if the user chooses to access them. Courses with additional costs are clearly identified in the resource library.

Who is the intended audience for the RIPPL platform?

The intended audience is individuals and groups supporting healthcare for children, youth and their families across British Columbia who would like to develop their foundation pediatric competencies.

Teen sitting
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